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John 14v6, From a Healthy Identity & God's Design of Movement

god habit #3: move often jesus perspective physical health scripture spiritual health true health Sep 26, 2024


Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." Many read this as who is going into heaven & who is going to hell.

But what if that is not what Jesus meant?

A more likely interpretation is: 

The Jesus' truth (his teachings) + the Jesus' way (his lifestyle) = the Jesus life ("life to the full").

His teachings (information) + His lifestyle (application) = His abundant life (transformation).

Eugene Peterson said, "The Jesus way wedded to the Jesus truth brings about the Jesus life." 

Our culture highly emphasizes his teachings (parables, lessons, etc) and overly underemphasizes his lifestyle (the spiritual disciplines like Sabbath, fasting, contemplative prayer, etc). 

The bottom line: The power is in Jesus' lifestyle. 





Truly healthy people pursue health from their identity not for their identity. 






Functional fitness is not a fad. It's how God design the body to move. For example . . .

Squatting? Safely and efficiently lowering & raising from a chair.

Deadlifting? Safely and efficiently picking something up off the ground.

Pressing? Safely and efficiently placing an object overhead (i.e. the top shelf of your cabinet).

Burpees? Safely and efficiently getting up from the floor.