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BMR, Being Consistent & the Defining Mark of True Health

habit #7: embrace purpose perspective physical health true health Oct 10, 2024


Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is how many calories your body needs to maintain basic organ function (i.e. keep your lungs going, your heart going, your kidneys going, etc). Translation: if you were to lay in bed all day and not move a muscle, your BMR is how many calories your body needs to maintain its current state.

BMR is determined by age, gender, height, genetics and other uncontrollable factors. 

But there is one controllable factor worth mentioning: muscle mass. 

The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns.





You’ll be remembered by what you’re most consistent with.

Consistently workout?

Consistently generous?

Consistently stressed?

Doesn't matter what you're consistent with. That’s how people will remember you.

Consistency births legacy.





True health is best exemplified when it: 

  • Lifts others up
  • Lets others go first
  • Lends its strength to others
  • Slows down to the pace of others
  • Doesn't need the spotlight
  • Defers to others

 The defining mark of true health is when one grows in others-first love.