Transmitting Pain, Medicine & Jesus' Example
Sep 22, 20221)
People who cause pain are experiencing pain themselves.
Because if you do not transform your pain, you will transmit it.
30 minutes of exercise with an elevated heart rate is the equivalent of a low-dose antidepressant.
Movement is medicine.
Jesus lived a truly healthy life. Here are some examples:
His strength was define by sacrifice, humility and compassion.
He had close, deep relationships with a few men.
He was the champion of women.
He wept over a loved one and got angry at injustice.
He had the capacity and endurance to travel from city to city by foot
He prioritized His time with the Father and anchored His teachings to truth
He empowered His followers to continue spreading His success, rather than hoarding it to Himself
He combatted the enemy with memorized Scripture
He loved His followers so deeply that He made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure an eternal relationship with them
Not only is Jesus our example spiritually, but physically, mentally, emotionally and relationally.