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Flexibility vs Mobility, Breakthroughs & How The Spirit Moves

god habit #3: move often habit #7: embrace purpose jesus physical health spiritual health true health Oct 26, 2023


In the fitness space, there's a difference between flexibility & mobility.

Flexibility is the ability of soft tissues to stretch. This deals with the elasticity of muscles.

Mobility is a joint's ability to actively move through its full range of motion. This deals with the elasticity of muscles, but also connective tissue, nerves & proprioception as well.

Both are significant. Both have a purpose. And both can improve physical health.

Knowing the difference, and applying them each accordingly, is crucial for long-term success.


*On a personal note, my physical health drastically improved when I started prioritizing mobility more








Breakthroughs often come from breakdowns.








3 ways the Spirit moves:

1. His means of communication is often by internal whisper versus an audible voice. While He does use both, it seems He prefers one over the other.

2. He frequently communicates during the little gaps in our life (i.e. between meetings, waiting for an apt, etc). This is why prioritizing margin and reducing hurry is vital.

3. Many times, it's spontaneous & spur-of-the-moment. While it may (and frequently) happen during intentional quiet time, often times the Spirit will urge you to act while you least expect it.