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Increased Strength, Artificial Sweetners & Hiding vs Healing

bodymindsoul habit #2: eat clean love physical health relational health true health Nov 30, 2023


Increased strength increases love.

Here's how:

  • Physically strongI can help my wife with a house project; assist my neighbor with yard maintenance; carry groceries for the elderly, etc.

  • Mentally strongI can be fully present with others by removing mental distractions & slowing my mind.

  • Emotionally strongI can respond appropriately to a tough conversation by allowing my emotions to inform me, but not control me.

  • Relationally strongI can honor my spouse when she's not around by believing the best at all times.

  • Spiritually strongI can give others the real, authentic version of myself by reinforcing my identity in Christ each morning.

Stronger makes everything better.

Question: What area of health needs more strength?






Studies show that artificial sweeteners (Splenda, Sweet'n Low, Equal, Nutrasweet) . . .

  • contain aspartame (which the WHO claimed as "probably carcinogenic")

  • are addictive

  • are endocrine disrupters, meaning they negatively disrupt your hormones.

  • lower testosterone levels when consistently consumed

  • are 10x sweeter than natural sugar, causing the palette to change

The bottom line?

Some is fine, but draw the line.

(Remember Habit #2 is a tension to manage–eat clean but not extreme.)





The more we hide, the less we heal.