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Intentional Formation, A Mistake & The 7 Habits of Health

bodymindsoul correct understandings habit jesus perspective scripture true health May 02, 2024


It takes no effort to be deformed into "the patterns of this world" (Romans 12). It is inevitable. You will subconsciously pick up secular values without trying. 

It does take effort to be transformed into "the image of the Son" (2 Corinthians 3). This is not automatic. You must ruthlessly prioritize "things above, where Christ is" (Colossians 3).

If you are not intentional about your formation, someone (or something) will form you. 






mistake is simply another way of doing things.






The best way to become truly healthy is through the 7 Habits of Health:

  • Habit #1: Sleep Well – consistently getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night
  • Habit #2: Eat Clean – prioritizing whole / real / clean foods 80+% of the time
  • Habit #3: Move Often – incorporating movement throughout each day (8k+ steps)
  • Habit #4: Increase Clarity – revealing your inner self through self-awareness
  • Habit #5: Decrease Stress – minimizing anxiety and maximizing peace
  • Habit #6: Cultivate Community – surrounding yourself with like-minded, same valued people
  • Habit #7: Embrace Purpose – using your health to serve & love others better; living a life beyond yourself

Question: Which habit do you need to focus on in this season?