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A Healthy Identity, 3 Daily Habits & Carrying Other's Burdens

correct understandings god habit #1: sleep well habit #2: eat clean habit #3: move often jesus spiritual health true health Jun 27, 2024


Your identity is healthiest when what God says about you is most true of you.

If you fail to believe what God says about your identity, you will fail to reach the potential He has for you.





Three things truly healthy people aim to do every day (regarding their physical health):

– sleep (at least) 7 hours / night

– eat (at least) 1 meal of whole, clean, real foods / day

– move (at least) 30 minutes / day

Truly healthy people sleep well, eat clean & move often daily.





"As Jesus followers, we are called to carry one another's burdens. Not the other way around.

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6v2)

Truly healthy people have the capacity to carry other people's burdens. They have the strength, self-awareness and sensitivity to do what love requires in every situation: to love, serve and empower others.

They don't allow their unhealth to be projected on others. They don't translate their irresponsibility into other people's responsibility. They don't force others to carry their load.

They prioritize their own health to inspire others to do the same.