Messages From Your Body, Progressive Overload & A Few Thoughts on Interruptions
Dec 07, 20231)
A headache is not a Tylenol deficiency.
It’s your body trying to tell you something.
Progressive Overload is when you gradually increase the strain (load, reps, time under tension) of your strength program over time.
Some examples . . .
Week 1 = 50lbs.
Week 2 = 55lbs.
Week 3 = 60lbs. Etc.
Week 1 = 1 mile.
Week 2 = 2 miles.
Week 3 = 3 miles. Etc.
Week 1 = 30 second Plank Hold.
Week 2 = 45 second Plank Hold.
Week 3 = 60 second Plank Hold. Etc.
Your body adapts from these incremental changes, allowing you to increase strength & output over time.
This is the science behind the saying move to improve.
The more safely, efficiently & effectively you move your body, the more resilient & robust it will become.
A few thoughts on interruptions . . .
1. Jesus was often interrupted (35 times just in Mark 1-3). But instead of getting frustrated, He welcomed the ones interrupting Him (read Matthew 14).
2. How you respond / react while being interrupted is an indicator of your health.
3. Many times, life's most important moments are interruptions.
Something I've been focusing on lately:
Viewing interruptions as invitations.
Invitations to allow the Holy Spirit to work through me
Invitations to love others well
Invitations to keep the most important things the most important things
*PS – I literally got interrupted writing #3. H asked me to help her with something in the attic ... and I said "Of course." :)