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Contentment, The 7 Habits of Health & Don't Doubt God

bodymindsoul god habit #1: sleep well habit #2: eat clean habit #3: move often habit #4: increase clarity habit #5: decrease stress habit #6: cultivate community habit #7: embrace purpose perspective true health Aug 08, 2024


Culture’s definition of contentment has become “more than I currently have.”

True health’s definition of contentment is “what I have is enough.”

Question: In what area of your life do you need more contentment?




The 7 Habits of Health are the foundation of true health. It's what truly healthy people do regularly. They are:

  • Habit #1: Sleep Well – consistently getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night
  • Habit #2: Eat Clean – prioritizing whole / real / clean foods 80+% of the time
  • Habit #3: Move Often – prioritizing movement over sedentary behaviors 
  • Habit #4: Increase Clarity – revealing your inner state through self-awareness
  • Habit #5: Decrease Stress – minimizing anxiety and maximizing peace
  • Habit #6: Cultivate Community – surrounding yourself with like-minded, same valued people
  • Habit #7: Embrace Purpose – using your health to serve & love others better; living a life beyond yourself

CLICK HERE to take a 2 minute assessment to see the status of each.




Don't doubt in the dark what God has shown you in the light.