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Competence & Character, 3 Nutritional Truths & A Prayer to Help

habit #2: eat clean perspective physical health true health Aug 15, 2024


Competence is how good you are when there is something to gain.

Character is how good you are when there is nothing to gain.

People will reward you for competence.

But people will love you for your character.





Here are the 3 most important factors about nutrition:

#1 – QUALITY: Eating whole, clean, real foods for (at least) 80% of your intake is the most important aspect of nutrition. 

#2 – QUANTITY: Eating enough whole, clean, real foods to support daily activity & sport, without over-eating. 

#3 – TIMING: Eating the right quality & quantities of foods at the right time your body needs them (i.e. eating a meal that consists of half protein / half carbs 30-60 minutes after a workout).

The bottom line? 

The level of importance equates to the order. #1 is (by far) most important, then #2, then #3.





Someone is praying for something you take for granted.

Examples: marriage, a car, a job, healthy kids, running water, the ability to pursue a dream, freely gathering with other Jesus followers without persecution, etc.

Here's a prayer to help:

"God, help me never to take for granted what other people are praying for."